Rosy Life

Rosy Life
Life has its thorns like the roses

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hope You had a Wonderful Weekend...

For the past years, holy week fell usually in one of the hot summer months. Holy week is a most awaited and welcomed break from work, or from what one is being busy with. Our country, Philippines, being the only Christian country in Asia, is celebrating this season with the main purpose, and that is commemorating the death of Jesus Christ. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the main core of the Christian religion. For the Catholics, this is supposed to be a season of fasting and penitence. Well, it just makes me wonder, do people really ponder and meditate on this main issue in which the salvation of our souls do matter? A lot of people spend this season in frivolous beautiful places, hotels, beaches,and mountains. I don't want to sound hypocritical, but I sense something wrong in our observance of the Holy Week. Of course, I am not speaking in general for there are still those who contemplate on the religious and spiritual importance of this season, although this is not really the exact date of Jesus' death. I am not here to argue the veracity of the date of the lenten season.

What surprised me is the change in the weather pattern which also affected the Holy Week. You might have also noticed that Good Friday always falls on a full moon. That's probably the reason why Holy Thursday and Good Friday don't fall on the same dates every year. I remember lenten seasons in the past, they always ended up on a full moon night. These past few nights, including the eves of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the eve of Saturday , it rained not just flimsy raining but real hard, and lasted even for hours, starting from late afternoons and even flooded the main streets of the city. Why is it like this? I'm just asking for the sake of asking. There are questions jumbling on my head. I just can not find the answers.

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